
For our Kulet Ethiopian sauce recipes visit:

Doro Wot (Red Chicken Stew): One of the most popular dish of Ethiopia.

Measurements and Ingredients (serving for 10) 

5-8  pounds of chicken drumsticks and thighs skinned and cleaned
8    large onions fine chopped 
2    cup of vegetable oil 
5    teaspoons minced or powder garlic 
2    teaspoons minced or powder ginger
1/2  cup of authentic Ethiopian Berbere (more to make spicier)
1/4  cup of  Paprika for redness
2    teaspoon Korerima
2    teaspoon Wot Kimem (Mekelesha)
2    teaspoon salt (as needed)
1-3    cup of water

Preparation Method:In large pot, simmer onion, garlic and ginger with vegetable oil till lightly brown. Add Berbere and Paprika, continue to simmer for about 15-20 minutes at low heat stirring occasionally by adding a touch of water as needed to avoid sticking. Add chicken and simmer until chicken is done while adding the remaining water as needed. Finish of simmering by add salt, Koreria, Wot kimem (Mekelesha). Serve hot with Injera (Ethiopian flat bread made of teff).

Injera (Ethiopian Flat bread)

Unfortunately, it is hard to make the perfect Injera at the first attempt.There are a number of different recipes to make injera and none have a sold formula.  A number of factors can alter the quality of injera such as the temperature of the grill, the type of grill (mitad), the temperature of the dough during fermentation, quality of the flour, ways of mixing the dough...
You may try our recipe, but if the quality of injera is poor, you may need to alter and experiment different ways considering the above factors. Good Luck!
5    pounds self rising flour
5    pound teff

Preparation Method:  Add all ingredients in large bowl and mix thoroughly by hand. Let it ferment over night (24 hours) in room temperature. Heat a flat round or square grill (Mitad) to 400 degrees. Remix the dough, if too thick add more water till dough is runny (medium thickness). Pour dough on grill in rotating motion. Let cook approx. 30 sec - 1 min. and remove by grabbing one end with both hands. Let cool to room temp. before serving. If you see the eyes and feels spongy, then you hit it right.

Sega Wot (Red Beef Stew)

Measurements and Ingredients (serving for 10)
2-3    pound beef cubed
5    large onions fine chopped
2    cup of vegetable oil
5    teaspoons minced or powder garlic
2    teaspoons minced or powder ginger
1/4  cup of authentic Ethiopian Berbere
2    teaspoon Wot Kimem (Mekelesha) or Korerima
2    Teaspoon salt (as needed)
1/2  cup of water

Preparation Method: In large pot, simmer onion and garlic with vegetable oil till lightly brown. Add Berbere and continue to simmer for about 15 minutes at low heat and stirring occasionally. Add beef and water, let it simmer until beef is done, then finish off cooking by adding wot kimem (Mekelesha) and salt. Serve hot with Injera (Ethiopian flat bread made of teff).

Alicha Sega Wot (Mild Beef Stew)

Measurements and Ingredients (serving for 10)
3    pound beef cubed
5    large onions fine chopped
2    cup of vegetable oil
5    teaspoons minced or powder garlic
2    teaspoons minced or powder ginger
1-2  teaspoon of authentic Ethiopian Tumeric
2    teaspoon Alicha Kimem
2    teaspoon salt (as needed)
1/2  cup of water

Preparation Method: In large pot, simmer onion and garlic with vegetable oil till lightly brown. Add tumeric and continue to simmer for about 15 minutes at low heat and stirring occasionally. Add beef and water, let it simmer until beef is done, then finish off by adding Alicha Kimem and salt. Serve hot with Injera (Ethiopian flat bread made of teff).

Kitfo (Steak tartar)

Measurements and Ingredients (serving for 5)

3    pound freshly grounded fat less
1    teaspoon Mitmita
1    teaspoon korerima
1    teaspoon salt (as needed)
1/4  cup of Neter kibe (Seasoned butter)

Preparation Method: Mix ground beef and all ingredients thoroughly. Pan sear lightly and serve with Injera (Ethiopian flat bread made of teff).

kik Wot (Red Lintel Stew)

Measurements and Ingredients (serving for 10)
4    cups of split lintel
1    large onions fine chopped
1    cup of vegetable oil
5    teaspoons minced or powder garlic
2    large spoon authentic Ethiopian Berbere
2    Teaspoon salt (as needed)
8-10    cups of water

Preparation Method: In large pot, simmer onion, garlic, and Berbere with vegetable oil. Add lintel and water continue to simmer for about 20 minutes at low heat, stirring occasionally until lintel fully cooked. Serve hot with Injera (Ethiopian flat bread made of teff).

Neter Kiba (Seasoned butter)

Measurements and Ingredients
4    pounds of butter
1/4  cup of Beso Bela
1/4  cup of Koseret
1    teaspoon Korerima
1    teaspoon turmeric

Preparation Method: Melt butter with all ingredients at low heat for 2-3 hours. Strain the ingredients and let cool.

Misir Wot (Yellow Lintel Stew)

Measurements and Ingredients (serving for 10)
4    cups of split red lintel
2    large onions fine chopped
1    cup of vegetable oil
2    teaspoons minced or powder garlic
2    Teaspoon Turmeric
2    Teaspoon salt (as needed)
8-10    cups of water

Preparation Method: In large pot, simmer onion, garlic, and turmeric with vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Add lintel and water continue to simmer for about 20-30 minutes at low heat, stirring occasionally until lintel fully cooked. Serve hot with Injera (Ethiopian flat bread made of teff).

Shiro  (This is a simple dish to make.)

Measurements and Ingredients (serving for 10)
2    cups of Mitten Shiro
1    large onion fine chopped
1    cup of vegetable oil
5    teaspoons minced or powder garlic
1    tablespoon Berbere
2    teaspoons salt (as needed)
5    cups of water or as needed thickness

Preparation Method: In a medium pot, simmer onion and garlic with vegetable oil. Add berbere and simmer for about 5 minutes at low heat while adding a dash of water to avoid sticking. Add the remaining water and mix the shiro by adding a small portion of the shiro flour at a time and continuously stirring. Let it cook until it becomes thick, but runny for about 20 minutes at low heat. For thicker shiro add more shiro flour. For extra flavor finish off by adding a spoon of Neter Kibe (Seasoned Ethiopian Butter). Serve hot with Injera (Ethiopian flat bread made of teff).


Gored-Gored (very easy.)

Measurements and Ingredients
2   pounds of tender beef
4    tablespoon Neter Kiba (seasoned butter)
4    tablespoon Berbere Awaze 

Preparation Method: Cut the beef in cubes and on a medium skillet melt the butter (Kiba) at low heat. Mix the beef and berbere Awaze in the butter. Sautee at high heat for 1-3 minutes continuously stirring until the meat cooked rare, medium or well done depending on your taste. Traditionally, it is served rare. Add a pinch of salt to taste and enjoy with injera or rice.


Tips (Sauteed) dishes -- NEW

Measurements and Ingredients
1   Pounds of choice of beef,chicken or lamb cubed
1   Red or yellow onion medium size sliced
1  Green or Jalapeno pepper sliced
1-2 teaspoon Tips Kimem 

Preparation Method:  on a medium skillet add 1 oz vegetable or olive oil, the meat, onions, peppers and Tips kimem. Sautee at high heat until the meat fully cooked. Add salt to your taste. Enjoy with injera or rice.